Deleting Messages


Joe Harris Super Collector
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Hey guys,
Just wondering how you delete messages in bulk? The most I can delete at the moment is one page 20-30 messages, there is an option on the top right corner with the checkbox and in brackets the number of messages in that folder, I tick this and then choose delete, but then it says "no messages" selected??
you can type in the username like say jack 000 for example say in your inbox you have 100 messages from me then it will delete them all
jack 000 thats probably slower than doing it page by page, as i have to type names, and i have messages from lots of different people.
graham - talkin bout PM's, there is a checkbox with (607) next to it, to delete all 607 inbox PM's but it doesnt work? Is it just me or the site?
It doesnt delete them all, it just selects all of them on one page. You can then go to the next page, and select the next batch. Then go to the dropdown box which should have Go (100) or whatever number of messages you have selected.

There is no way to delete all messages - kind of a safeguard against people deleting all of their messages by mistake as there is no way to get them back once they are gone.
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