I have available for trade or sale the following,
Will trade for bulldogs equivalent.
Jason Croker Triple Centurion
Try machine- Zillman, Ash Graham,Jarrod Croker, Alex Glenn,
Showtime Gold Coast Titans.TRADED
Sorry Kreepz, im just looking to swap my centurion now, The others are for sale.
Thanks for your interest. SS2/ or GC30 SS25 Unpeeled SS26 Unpeeled SS27 X 2 (1 unpeeled)
I have available for trade or sale the following,
Will trade for bulldogs equivalent.
William Zillman,
Jarrod Croker,
SHOWTIME- $10 Sharks Bulldogs
Need Brett Kimmorley
I have double stickers unpeeled of Ryan Morgan, Michael Weyman, Aaron Woods, Matthew Scott, Ray Thompson, Mark Minichiello, Ill trade for dogs unpeeled silvers,
I am after common cards, 33,36,45,46,57,58,72,84,96,99,110,123,135,169,194.