Dayam Britney.....


Morrow Super Collector
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Pregnancy has not been good to Britney Spears.... wow I cannot believe how chubby she has gotten....

I never liked her much.... now I just feel sad for her... cos the paparazzi are bastards.

*sigh* nevermind Kirstie alley... omg don't wanna walk past newsagents these days cos like I really want to see headlines about all the obese celebrities.... as if it is something new the whole world (western) is suffering an obesity problem....

Makes me much more self conscious.
Shoes said:
I'd still hit britney anyday :) FINNEEEE!!!!!!!

have you seen a pic of her from the last couple of years? :vom:

i dont know you can go from smokin hot to trailer park prego in that short a time, its amazing.
She was always trailer park. Lots of make-up does wonders. I really don't feel sorry for her at all. She's made some ****ed up decisions and she has to live with it.
For a quick return to her pre-pregnancy shape, Britney should have been breast feeding. She's twice the woman she used to be#-o

Is Shoes horny like a dandy or what? Sounds like he'd ride a black snake if someone would hold it's head for him:)
lmao chauncey....

Oh come on lengthen message to 20 characters? Cant we no longer just express our appreciation of the humour of someones comment?? LOL
And this is one of the "good photos"!!! :shock:

I'd still hit britney anyday FINNEEEE!!!!!!!
I think a lot of people would like to "hit" Shoes anyday as well, if they had the chance!!:rolleyes:


Britney was fine once apon a time in those filmclips. But as of late she isnt what you would call "hot". I feel sorry for her, but she is a blonde.

I remeber channel V did a interview with her when she had her first song out and they asked her if she would come to Australia and tour. She said she didnt know yet, then later on she was overheard asking someone to where Australia is, she didnt know it existed lol!!!!

How dumb.
LMAO! Good one Chauncey! Each to their own taste shoes! ;) I am with Funkadelic.. you sleep with dogs and you wake up with fleas! She made those decisions herself... The only thing that is smokin hot is her grill right now! uh oh I am Britney bashing here... whoops
shes had a baby though...i mean you cant stay 100% hot allllll the time...its like people expect her to be thin and sexy looking every single that would suck....i reckon she will get back in shape and will be an awesome milf.....probably end up on the oprah show talking about her road to getting back on track.....its not like shes on drugs or anything...rather be blonde than on drugs
No I live with my g/f of 2 years how bout you. Im allowed to look aint I? Mickimouse is just upset he has a mini :)
haha yeah me with mine for 4 years, yeah you are allowed to look...thankgod we are...we are males its in our blood...its like our water to survive and stay hate to have a gf that said "dont you go looking at other girls"...i feel sorry for those blokes... but for the hit up Britney as well :d
mickimouse24 said:
haha yeah me with mine for 4 years, yeah you are allowed to look...thankgod we are...we are males its in our blood...its like our water to survive and stay hate to have a gf that said "dont you go looking at other girls"...i feel sorry for those blokes... but for the hit up Britney as well :d
HAHAHAHA I knew you'd do male and maybe female on this site wouldnt if she was in ya bed and presenting like a peacock :) If you say you wouldnt your probably one of those guys that says they dont jerk off :)..............This thread is gettin ugly fast :)
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