David Robinson Collection

amazing collection mate, i need to sit down again and take the time to appreciate them all! I know as someone player collecting exquisites (dwight) how hard it is. Great effort
thanks buddy, i should have brought them out for our match up!!!! I was lucky in getting them. I got a hold of a guy who was selling off his d.rob pc and he had pretty much all the exquisite s i now have.
thats a dream result! i wish i could find a dwight exquisite collector:mad: i know 3-4 guys who just have unreal dwight exquisites, like 5-6 amazing ones each.. they wont even consider helping me out, shame.... oh well thats life. One's a complete ***** about it 2. But karma will come around one day.

Will have another closer look tomoro at your website! its past my bedtime here and early start!
all I have to say is wow...

ive spent years getting my admirals and was proud of my 150 cards but they are mainly commons then i come across this collection and im gobsmacked
I'll have to update this, pretty much all the mid end stuff and jerseys are gone. A lot more high end in there now.
Hey mate are you still collecting d-rob cards? i collect them too and i cant see your photo's... id love to see what you have? i can send you a link to my collection too if you want?
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