David Blaine - Genius or Idiot?


On Again, Off Again..
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So this guy has been submerged in an 8 foot wide glass fish bowl since Monday and is staying in there for a week, breathing and eating through a tube, after which he will try and hold his breath for 9 minutes while trying to escape from 150 pounds of chains and handcuffs...If he makes it will he be a hero or just a severely shrivelled little man? Imaging the prune fingers..

This is the same guy who's past 'feats' have included being buried alive for seven days, spending 61 hours encased in ice, standing on a tiny platform at the top of a 100 foot high pole for 35 hours, and living in a transparent plastic box for 44 days without food suspended over the Thames river in London.

So what do you say? Is he a genius? A highly skilled performer? Or is he a nut? Could you ever imagine doing some of the stuff he's done? Large sums of money would have to be involved..
yep, his stunts are a little attention seeking, like he wants to become the next houdini. but his street magic tricks are awesome, ive got some compilations of him walking around the streets of harlem and walking up to these gangsta homeboys and just blowing their minds with tricks. one time he manages to take a guys watch off his wrist with about 20 people all crowded round, and nobody (including the guy) even noticed it til he pulls the watch out his pocket, his sleight of hand is amazing!
lol i remember him seeing him pull out his own heart live on some late night show :cool: i agree his stunts are over the top but he has some cool ass card tricks. :lol:
did you see his skin was actually peeling (like a snake) after like 4 or 5 days??

and he only lasted 7mins 8 secs!! a fair whack off the record but still unbelievable!!

is he the guy that can (apparently) levitate himself?? or is that someone else??
david blaine can levitate but their is another guy that does it better than blaine. I forgot his name but he kinda dresses like a goth.
yeah, i couldn't remember exactly who it was??

the guy i saw he always turns around and faces away from whoever he in levitating for?!?
I forgot to say.. Dr Phil is also the devil.

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