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Has anybody had any issues with purchasing from them in the past or recently? I only ask this as I placed and paid for an order last wednesday only to be told the next day my payment was short US$25 when I know I paid the bill in full. I've e-mailed my personal rep (Brian Benson) my IMT slip showing that I paid in full and have not heard anything since.
I'll give more details. The invoice bill was US219.95 which I paid via bankwire/imt that day. The next day, I recieve an e-mail from my store rep saying I only paid US$194.95. Yet my store profile says the full amount was paid as well as my bank statements and my rep has not responded to any of my follow up e-mails providing evidence I have paid in full and asking for an update. I just find it odd that the amount is so exact and equal to the amount of potential store credit I could potentially get when i filled out the bizrate survey. bizarre.
I'll give more details. The invoice bill was US219.95 which I paid via bankwire/imt that day. The next day, I recieve an e-mail from my store rep saying I only paid US$194.95. Yet my store profile says the full amount was paid as well as my bank statements and my rep has not responded to any of my follow up e-mails providing evidence I have paid in full and asking for an update. I just find it odd that the amount is so exact and equal to the amount of potential store credit I could potentially get when i filled out the bizrate survey. bizarre.

Yer that's bizarre mate, I dunno what happened. Good luck getting it all figured out.
I bet I know what happened. When you change things In Your cart you have to hit update twice. First one adds or deletes product, second one tabulates correct price. This happened to me once so learned a valuable lesson lol. Hope that helps
That could be a bank fee probably charged by the recipient bank, ask dacardworld to contact there bank and see how much was originally received and what fees were charged. This is one time paypal is probably better.
Bank fee is at this end only not with US as funds transfered are in US currency. Refer my post previously for likely explanation.
Whodat, i didn't have to update my order the full amount was US$219.95. Here's the full order...

1991-92 Upper Deck Hi Series Jumbo $18
1994-95 SP Hobby Box $47
1994-95 SP Championship hobby Box 37
1995-96 Upper Deck Series 2 Retail Box $31
2009-10 Certified 3 pack hobby Box $19
Free 2x 2007 Ace Tennis Straight Sets Blaster box

UPS International Exp. (shipping) $67.95

heard back from them this morning. they are still saying that I only paid $194.95 and reminding me that next time, i should enter the code for all discounts/gift vouchers/promotions. told them that the survey was filled out after I put my order in and that they need to speak to bizrate and their banks to see where my US$25 is. But at least they are shipping the order to me now.
Lol that survey is a pain in the butt. Tried to use that thing once and all I got was spam from them. But glad the shipped for you. DA is excellent!
I've got this going over at beckett.com also. one of the guys had a similar thing happen to him, only his discount went onto his next purchase. He also suggested that it may have been a state-side transaction fee. I've e-mailed my dacardworld store rep and ask him to look into both avenues and let me know the results. If it was a state-side transaction fee, I'm not responsible for it. If the discount came on this purchase instead, DA cardworld owe me US$25 on my next purchase.
Apparently, there was the potential to recieve US$25 instore credit at dacardworld. Thing is, as i said, i filled the survey out after placing my order. So I'm as stump as anyone else as to why it apparently went onto this order - after it was filled out and paid in full without counting the possible discount in.
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