Cricket POGS Tazos wants


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Looking to get the set of these 7 Eleven Cricketers from 1991. I have just these 2 at the mo: Rackemann and O'Donnell. I believe there are 15 in the set:

Also looking for the 1995 ACB POGS. I have the basic set of 110, and about 30 of the Gold foils - need all Golds except: 1; 9; 15; 27; 31; 37; 45; 47; 49; 52; 53; 58; 61; 63; 65; 67; 72; 74-78; 80; 82-3-4; 86; 91; 93; 98.

Plus the Slater POG; Classic World Innings subset (10: CW1-10); Team Badges subset (CT1-9)
And the Pura Vic Bushrangers set - I think there are 22 of these(?)

Only those in nice order, and much prefer to buy outright (don't have any swaps.... )
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I know dean jones is part of it not sure of the others though sorry

Cheers. Yep, Deano is one of the players. The spakatak site lists 15 in the set - but no images - to me this set is important, as I believe it is the first set of Tazos/POGS issued here in Oz. These things didn't really catch on till the mid 90's when the Space Jam/Looney Tunes/Star Wars sets came out in the chip packets. All dime-a-dozen these days. The cricket ones are much harder to find.......
Hi mate, I have a full set of golds for sale.

Also have the Slater POG, All Classic World Innings subset and Team Badge subset.

PM me for pics or more info :)
I've just gone and ordered one - not the signed version yours signed?
Probably too pricey in any case...!!!
Yep, mine's a signed one. Had it for a long time....lucky enough to have jagged it out of a packet. (seems a long time ago now).

I know they were very rare 1:1000 packs. But never really knew what it was worth cash wise.
Thanks to bjs127 I now have the ACB Golds set, classic innings, team logos and Slater standard :)

Still looking for the 7-11's and Bushrangers POGS....
If you are still interested I have a spare original 7-11 POG collection sheet and a Peter Taylor POG - may have some others, will check.

Hi Paddy
Yes, I'd be interested. I've recently obtained 7-11 POGS for Allan Border and Geoff Marsh, but am still looking for all the others. Let me know....
Thanks to Paddy I now have 10 of the 15 7-11 cricket POGS, plus the backing sheet.
Still missing: Terry Alderman
Ian Healy
Dean Jones
Mark Taylor
Mark Waugh
Now have 20 of the 22 PURA Bushrangers caps/discs. They are a bit larger than standard Tazos/POGS, being about 45mm across compared to the 40mm of standard sized Tazos and are made of plastic. Don't remember them when they came out, or where you got them from(?) 2000's?? Not numbered.
I'm looking for Shane Warne and Matthew Inness if anyone's got these, though am happy to get more of those I already have.

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