Crazy Panini Mailday: Klay Thompson Immaculate


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Ive been on the short end of the stick a few times when it comes to getting a nice patch on Panini Redemptions.
But i think i may have gotten the best possible patches this time around!

I was hoping (probably like everyone else) for a jersey numbered card, but i guess these will have to do :whistle:

First one from Panini is this sweet 12-13 Immaculate Klay Thompson True RC AU Patch /99:


But the main score is this one: 12-13 Immaculate Klay Thompson Premium RC AU Patch /75
Gotta build up some tension :p


Couldnt be more happier with this patch, its absolutely filthy!! :woot:
Super stoked and probably one of my best maildays ever!! :wave:
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