needing to make a few $$$ as run into some issues. so here's a few things that ive put together that i must let go. all prices are negotiable to some extent. the only thing is postage is added to these prices and thats at aussie post rates. therefore not negotiable. just give me a PM
and dont forget stuff on my tradelist is also available
will add more stuff and pictures soon
04/05 Fleer Throwbacks Nostalgia 15 Card Set $25
inc Ai, Kobe, shaq, KG, Bron, Melo, Wade, B Diddy, Jkidd, Tmac, Yao, Vince
all cards numbered to players draft year
2001 Greats of the Game 84 Card Base Set
+ Player of the Year Insert Set (10)
+ All American Insert Set (14)
+ Coach's Corner Partial Set (5 of 16)
Base Set inc Coachs Corner inserts $20, Player Of the Year $15, All American $10,
2000 UD Century Legends. $15. Full 90 Card Set
inc MJ, magic, bird, MJ, dR J, Wilt, MJ, Kareem, Mikan, MJ, Nique, Isiah, Bill Russel, Drexler and did i say MJ
1992 Courtside Flashbacks 45 card Box Set $7.00. in original box
inc Barkley, Bird, ANDREW GAZE, kareem, mikan, robinson, skywalker thompson, bill walton
1993 UD AllStar Weekend Box Set $10.00. in original factory Box
1994 UD Jordan Rare Air $22.00 in original box and sleave. 90 card set comes with one 3-3/8 x 7-7/8 serial numbered card which has slight creases
1996 UD 23 Nights Jordan Experience $20 inc CD interview in original Box. 23 card set inc Cardboard disc as well as CD. glue on box has started to let go that holds the cd holder.
1999 UD Michael Jordan Career Box Set $25 in original box. 60 card set inc one blowup card.
03-04 UD Lebron James Box Set $14. Full 32 card set inc one blowup card. in original box