Here's what's been coming in the past week or so. Some nice PC project stuff, that's about all I'm picking up these days.
Gerald Green Reflections RC Patch parallel 25/25 (one-colour ) got this for a bargain price from another undisclosed forum.
Green silver topps total RC parallel.
Gomes GOLD RC X-Frac /29
Green Ultimate Rookie auto (I love this card!)
Gomes Lux. Box RC (tier reserved /430)
AND some nice Zo refractor's for my collection (got Zo Funk? )
Red X-Frac Gomes RC 4/139 (1/1 Jersey No, lol)
Gomes Topps Chrome Refractor RC
Nice old skool Marbury 98 UD Hardcourt Home Court Advantage Plus parallel (these are wood on the front like 04-05 Hardcourt Engraved Endorsements! they are awesome! Also serial numbered to 500)
Troy Murphy ProSign! for MVP set
My 2nd 05-06 Ultimate Premo Patch of Paul Pierce serial numbered 35/50 to go next to my 1st numbered 34/50
Love the "Greens". Would have started a small PC of my own with Murphy he impressed me that much. Pitty his auto is like a Mr Squiggle drawing "upside down, upside down".
Great mailday Brad!!!
THe Ultimate Collection Auto is awesome too bud!!!