in fairness Billyhoyle has cast a bid that he will be dropped so there will be a result in any event.
We have a competition from 0 to whatever is the highest bid.
If there is an even split of numbers ie 'A' picked 30 and 'B' picked 50 and the result is 40 the winner will be declared as 'A' who picked 30.
At least this clarifies the issue.
All good fun and not too serious
I am so glad I put in some rules to determine a line ball decision.
I was at the MCG and can validate today's score LOL.
As theflyinggerco pointed out and conceded to in good sporting manner by Nazim, I declare Jack the winner.
Jack, can you please pm me your details so that I can send you your prize.
Thanks to everyone who participated and made this enjoyable.