I've been working on it for about 9-10 months now.
When I was given the opportunity to do IT stuff at work, I had to do some studies, like a course. I've since done two course over the last 18 months.
During this time, I've been doing some stuff with VisualBasic. As our IT Manager is a Software Developer (we have our own Company within Council that sells Propwerty Management Software to other Councils), anyways, my boss got me onto using VB.
I started with simple stuff like making a button work when clicked.
Moved up to designing full Forms etc, etc.
Then as a project, I started designing a program to help me monitor & keep track of all our IT calls that I get (as I'm 1st in line for IT help at work).
That all went well, have the program running, but started getting bored, and decided I was in need of a challenge. Design my own card registry.
Dont know how far I plan to work with it, but it looks and functions pretty well so far.
Oh and to input 1 card, it takes approx 20, maybe 25 seconds! (that's without scanning the card). I've already got all my cards scanned on my PC, so when a card is created in my Application, it creates "dummy" .jpg files with the names of the card (eg - 2004-05 Topps Finest Rookie Auto Refractor Blue 175.jpg). All I do then is use this file name to rename the front/back scans I already have, move them to the appropriate directory for the Registry, and keep going!
Sorry for one of the longest posts ever, but I thought you might be interested in knowing some background info. It's all quite interesting to me. (GEEK). LMAO!!
Great work Mavs. I would just get rid of the purple background colour as it makes it a little hard for me to read (or offer a range of colours that the user can choose from). Later.