As I said, and will say again - it's not going to achieve anything in here right now. Forums are great but are not the best way of getting things done in an efficient manner.
If you can't phone them, emailing is the way to go explaining what has happened. I'm sure it's an easy fix at their end.
ive had same problem had 15 cards prosessed 6 are in my box others arnt there and arnt mine but been charged 30 dollars... emailed them already hope to get this sorted asap..
I was joking, Jeez where's everyones sence of humor, but then again comc have taken it to screwing the average joe now, so for them to have to pay for cards that "go missing" and get abit of justice back for the blatant ripping off of people then so be it [/QUOTE]
Well, I am officially going to be going away from using COMC, if I'm going to get charged $20 a package, then stick it. @Moe@COMC another customer lost. I'd sooner go without than pay exorbitant fees for something out of my control.
COMC would have known that people get sent extra cards all the time and figured hey, lets take advantage of this and and charge people through the nose. I can understand charging people more per package if there are multiple cards, but it should be capped at $5 and even then thats a stretch. I can't control (as noted by previous posters) what eBay sellers throw in a mailer...
The old story, once bitten, twice shy. I'll go back to buying from Beckett and seeing if sellers will post to Australia again and charge me $8 a package.
I've gotta say the situation with COMC is concerning me a little. I can understand that there is going to be some unhappy users but the lack of communication with its customers and the fact that the cards are not being placed into the correct persons account is not right.
I've got a box full of around 650 cards ready to be shipped to COMC for sale but I think I am going to wait to see the outcome of all of this.
Everyone, please keep us all updated with all of your progress!
No, it's $0.50 per card with a minimum of $2. So in your case, 11 cards x .50 = $5.50 in fees.
It's still stupid though.
Also, I had an issue with a card that was sent to my mailbox. Tracking info showed it was delivered but I didn't get any email. When I asked comc about it, they said it was being processed except I had nothing to show for it in my account. Turns out it was being processed in the wrong account. All good now.
Man I'm struggling with them lately. Got one last shipment that I will ship using registered, then I think I will limit my use of the mailbox where possible.