I made a few purchases a couple of months ago and it took a couple of weeks to get the cards but it's a very reliable service.
use it all the time, great site. Delivery not too bad 2-3 wks tops.
Great for bulk purchases and most offers accepted
Agree with everyone above, its a great site and I use it often. Delivery to Perth is around 3 weeks, so cant complain. I would recommend it for sure.
From what I understand, it's not individuals sending you the cards. I think people send a bunch of cards to them, and then the people at the company send you all the cards you buy, so they come all together instead of from multiple members. However, the offers part I think is between you and the original owner of the cards. At least that's what I think from what i've heard and also from buying from them haha. Cards always come together and packed perfectly! Great company, wish I could find all my cards there and didn't have to use ebay...
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