February is here which means it’s time for another installment of Check Out Your Grades! In this series, we showcase our favorite items that have been submitted to BGS Grading via COMC and have just recently returned. Last month, we said that we would limit each installment to our ten favorite grading returns. However, we’ve decided that sharing just 10 cards a month is a little too restricting for our taste. We’ll be sharing ALL of our favorites, which means 17 grading returns made the list this month!
Did you know that you can submit any item in your inventory manager via the actions menu to BGS for grading or to COMC for our weekly Condition Review? Not only will your cards be graded within six weeks, but they’ll have a chance to be showcased in our monthly blog series! Without further ado:
January 2018 Grading Returns:
That’s all for this month! Check out previous installments of this blog series here: