Check out this painting!


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Gday guys, just had to post this up.


some of u may wonder why i posted it, well this is the painting my 7 year old daughter painted for her mum for her birthday yesterday. Thats right painted it without anyone touching it up or putting a brush to it. Pretty damn amazing i think, so proud of her and just had to show it off.
wtf..... dude my girlfriend is a art teacher at scool and not even she could pull something like that off!!! ur daughter has a gift! well done
Her grand parents have been taking art class for about a month now and she just sat there and copied what nanny and poppy were doing and thats what she ended up with. A hell of a lot better than i could ever do. She just cant believe i posted in on the internet and that people were talking about her painting and now shes telling me and the missus that shes
mate be very proud because art can only be taught to a curtain extent... everything else comes from talent and at 7 years old thats talent mate
When i saw it, i thought two things - either he's bought at a gallery, or it's a patrick Ewing painting. upon reading the post and looking closer, it's really amazing (patrick ewing paint's with pastel). you're daughter is really talented. By all means encourage it. and start saving for uni now - a fine arts degree is big dollars.
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