The year 2016 marked the ten-year Anniversary of COMC’s presence in the world of collectibles! From the humble beginnings of a tiny startup that was housed in a single garage, the vision of COMC has revolutionized the way collectors buy and sell online. Now operating out of three full-sized warehouses, no one could have imagined just how much of an impact COMC would make in its first ten years. By uniting collectors across the world and shipping items to over (100?) countries, we have much to be thankful for!
It is with honor and privilege that we recognize the consignors and collectors of the COMC Nation! Without you, our service could never have grown to the size it is today, and for that we are truly grateful. Your feedback and suggestions remain invaluable and have helped us to improve our service over the last ten years. We eagerly look forward to continuing to build our platform and grow even more as 2017 approaches!
This past September, COMC held a weekend celebration for our staff of over 90 employees as a way to recognize all of their hard work and effort throughout our ten years. From our most tenured employees, to the fresh, new faces who have recently joined our company, a great time was had by all. Each employee received a slick 10-Year commemorative custom COMC jersey. Following an authentic southern BBQ dinner, the event was capped off by an awards ceremony that featured a speech from founder and CEO Tim Getsch, who took us on a trip down memory lane back to COMC’s origins.
As the COMC Nation is of course such an important part of our lives, we’d like share with you a few photos that were taken at the event (and we’ve uploaded even more photos to our Facebook photo album!). We hope you enjoy them!