cath15 ALL NBA CARDS FOR SALE Feedback - 100% 75 0 0 Nov 9, 2005 #1 we have agreed to this trade henkita217 gets 04-05 upper deck Allen Iverson all star triple game used cath15 gets $20(postage included) will post card as soon as money clears thanks
we have agreed to this trade henkita217 gets 04-05 upper deck Allen Iverson all star triple game used cath15 gets $20(postage included) will post card as soon as money clears thanks
H Hennessy OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 1 0 0 Nov 11, 2005 #2 Hi Cath, Agreed with this deal as previously discussed. I will have to find the time to direct deposit the money onto your account by going to the actual tellers. :wink: Cheers!~
Hi Cath, Agreed with this deal as previously discussed. I will have to find the time to direct deposit the money onto your account by going to the actual tellers. :wink: Cheers!~
cath15 ALL NBA CARDS FOR SALE Feedback - 100% 75 0 0 Nov 11, 2005 #3 no probs matey give me a shout when ya deposited it and i can send the card, ps its already to go
H Hennessy OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 1 0 0 Nov 15, 2005 #4 Money deposited Cath. You're lucky I had a spare $20. I gotta pay for my doggie dermatologist this week. :twisted: $1500 smackers...... :dies:
Money deposited Cath. You're lucky I had a spare $20. I gotta pay for my doggie dermatologist this week. :twisted: $1500 smackers...... :dies:
cath15 ALL NBA CARDS FOR SALE Feedback - 100% 75 0 0 Nov 15, 2005 #5 moneys cleared ,posting tomorrow 16th
H Hennessy OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 1 0 0 Nov 16, 2005 #7 Thanks Cath! I should get it before the weekend. I'll post here when the card arrives.
H Hennessy OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 1 0 0 Nov 18, 2005 #8 Recv'd item 17/11/05 The card looks great Cath! Thank you very much.. I'll post my mailweek when I get the chance tonight.
Recv'd item 17/11/05 The card looks great Cath! Thank you very much.. I'll post my mailweek when I get the chance tonight.