After about half an hour of scanning im ready to post the mailday
Thanks to all members on here who either sold/traded these to me.
Start things off with a couple of MJ's courtesy of VERSE1, GOOD_OLD_BBALL & ANAKINLEO they all look 10x better in hand rather than scanned especially the metal universe
moving onto a couple of tyreke rookie cards
A few Pippens which i thought i had sold
A couple of Thabeets that i never got around to scanning. Im back on the hunt for him so if you have any let me know. Patch #ed/25
A couple more Thorntons for the PC. NT courtesy of POSTGSL and the court kings is from BRENTUS777
Always wanted a jersey of this guy im looking for the same but of Lebron if anyone has one let me know i'll have it.
A Juluis Hodge auto #ed/100. Dont know why i wanted one but i did
And to finish things off a couple of AFL promo cards. Featuring my 2nd favourite player at collingwood have a guess who my favourite is
Marcus Thronton - nice lot of rookie autos there! Those base UD really bring the memories back! ..and as for Julius Hodge, well he was a decent Adelaide 36er but definitely no Brett Maher! ;-)
@ Verse1 Thanks Nick happy i didnt end up trading it as its a really sweet card.
@ Postgsl Funny guy I think Swan might be my favourite player
@ Vivo87 Thanks Nick i sort of hit a dry spot with the Thabeets with most being a bit out of my price range, but im back on the hunt again im looking for a NT rookie auto.
@ Cuz187 Thanks mate i've always wanted a kobe GU. Now for an auto
@ Slobbythegreat Thanks mate im surprised you like the mailday a few too many Jordans for your likeing i would have thought
Tell me about I slowing going to build an auto PC got a CP3 incoming, have a ****load of $$$ in my paypal so just waiting for something to come up that interests me thinking MJ havent seen anything yet though.