CASE 4 - Box # Unkown (Spoiler)


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Couldn't resist all the action and opened my box before just to open 1 pack, which turned into 2 both from the top...

Pack1- Commons
Pack 2- Commons and Judd AA not bad for 2 packs

Fingers crossed for the next 34.... Let you know later!!
OK i opened some more packs, maybe another 5.

3rd pack - Fevola Medal
4th Pack - Essendon Premiership
5th - 6th Pack - Commons
7th Pack - Boyd AA

Hmmm I hope I can still get a DPP or redemption even after the Premiership card...???
you can get a Redemption but your not meant to get a Plat but have seen it happen yesterday where people have got Premiership Cards and Plats in the same box
Ok here we go
Recap: AA Judd, Boyd
Medal: Fevola
Premiers: Essendon (335)
HFG: Crows and Dogs at present

So next update will be packs 9-12
Pack 13- WB HFG
Pack 14- ADE HFG
Pack 15- ADE HFG
Pack 16- WB HFG
Pack 17- WB HFG
Pack 18- WB HFG

SO 1/2 way down.... I opened all the packs on the right side of the box and hit inserts up the top!!!
Pack 24- WB HFG ( Just noticed mini checklist of teams on back of logo, good idea)
Pack 25- HFG Checklist
Pack 26- HFG Checklist (Thats all checklists now)
Pack 27- ADE HFG

Not looking good for inserts now and I have 9 packs to go...Fingers crossed
Another AA
Pack 24- WB HFG ( Just noticed mini checklist of teams on back of logo, good idea)
Pack 25- HFG Checklist
Pack 26- HFG Checklist (Thats all checklists now)
Pack 27- ADE HFG

Not looking good for inserts now and I have 9 packs to go...Fingers crossed
Another AA
Pack 32- Fev HFG
Pack 33- BRIS HFG
Pack 34- ADE HFG
Lucky Last- Lions HFG Logo

Well no redemptions but got Dustin and Essendon Premiers so overall pretty good. Don;t forget 3 of the best AA going round

Thanks All

May just have to get another box!!!
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