pm admin mate, your best bet.
Did that this morning but I didn't here back. Was just wondering if anyone else had any deals going with him.
I see he's had 9 deal in the last month so i hope there arent other people like me.
I forced him to send first and he agreed and the deal came out good. it is all about making sure they send first
I didn't trade i bought off him. I paid and he said he will send once my payment had cleared.
Think that's where the low feedback rules gets a little cloudy, maybe that should be outlined in it, all transactions, including sales, the new member with low feedback should send first.
a) Members with less than 10 feedback on OzCardTrader MUST SEND FIRST unless the person can provide references from other trading websites and/or eBay with trading card history to the satisfaction of the member they are trading with.
I've pm'd Scott with the guys contact details that we have.
Not sure how we can make it any clearer with regards to the under 10 rule ? I'd like to hear your suggestions.
Scott did have a look at the guys last 12 months on eBay which showed 100% at 123 feedback. But if i'm buying off someone, i'd look at their selling history. In this guys case, this rings alarm bells for me
eBay Feedback Profile for redfern2000
Only 5 total feedback as a seller and 3 negs for not sending.
Maybe the MUST SEND FIRST part should read sales included? Just an idea!