Card Show: Exquisite Group Case Bust


Super Bargnani Collector
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well it was a very fun and interesting day for myself. This was the first ever card show that i have attended and it was a real blast, It was flooded with the baseball products but it did have its fair share of basketball as in singles and in wax which we will get to later. gregnice/Greg and myself peddigree/Eric went together and there we met up with fellow Hker's Bostoncorn/Nicky, av1rex/Jim and sk8er70815/Vinny. Everyone was really cool and it was tons of fun to be around and bust some wax with everyone.

I had in mind going to the show that i wanted to bust atleast a box of exquisite if not a case so when we arrive there was only 1 case to be found in the whole entire show as everyone was selling out of it, so myself, nicky, and jim decided that we would each buy a box and bust it live on video which Greg took and should be uploading it later tonight. This was my first box that I busted in a very long time as i soley put my dedication on buying bargnani singles and in my mind i was really hoping to pull a patch card of him haha :lol:

Before we get to the exquisite break, i also picked up a box of chronology 08 which I busted over there and damn did it really suck. my draft pick was number 33 and my auto was lenny wilkens, i really felt like just throwing the whole box away. I also picked up some Donruss Americana (don't know what i was thinking :)) some press pass 08 and some turkey red which i will be busting later tonight once i get settle in and will share the results than.

now onto the break. We had 3 boxes to pick from and I let Jim and Nicky take there boxes as it only left one box left on the table and these are the results it yielded.

Tyson Chandler Base

Andre Iguodala Base

Shawn Marion Dual Patch /10 which I sold on the spot, can be seen later in the video

Daniel Gibson Jersey Auto /35

Andrea Bargnani Dual Patch Ultimate Collection 6/25

alright so it didn't come from exquisite but i was super stoke to actually be able to find a bargnani card at the show as this was the second thing that made my day. :)

now for the card that really made my day check below

Kevin Durant 8/99 3color 9 break Rookie Patch.

Some people at the show say its the best patch they have yet to see on a Durant, how true is that I don't know as i never track his cards, but it is very nice in person and I will be taking digital pictures of it later as the scanner does not pick up the real colors of the card :)
SICK mate :woot:

i can't say that i have been tracking the Durant RC's either, but of the ones that i have seen, yours definetely takes the cake for best patch :thumbsup:
thanks :) i thought i was going to have a dud box as the first guy to bust his box pulled the horford gold exquisite rookie patch auto but my box was simply a beast
Majo mojo to you!!
I'm sure you'll be able to buy another case with that baby!!!!

The 'Nani patch looks awesome too!
that Durant is sick mate, what a sweet pull!! Sounds like you had an awesome day (Chronology aside). Congrats.
SICK SICK PATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That IS definitely the best Durant Patch I have seen!!!!!!!!
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