Captain Signature Mailday!!

Diggaz TC

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Finally arrived, my Gidley Captain Signature.

Gotta be pretty happy about the numbering too :thumbsup:

Looks awesome mate.

I guess nobody can get his Jersey number as Select keep all number 1s!

Yer, exactly. My question is, if Select sell 300 cases with 300 redemptions and 50 people try and redeem the same do they manage to keep the No.1's?
Yer, exactly. My question is, if Select sell 300 cases with 300 redemptions and 50 people try and redeem the same do they manage to keep the No.1's?

Thats a good point mate. Never thought of it like that. Also awesome card :)
Damn, I was hoping for number 3, since my Johns captain sig from 2004 is number 3 as well. Nice card, obviously haha. Hopefully mine gets here tomorrow or the day after.
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