CANCELLED - Group Case Share - 08/09 Skybox

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Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 Skybox

bump up!!!

wanna try get this filled and paid for by Thursday!!!

Grab a box! A great looking product!
Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 Skybox

Hey Rhys i've got to bail out on the box mate, its taken too long and i have 2 boxes of something else coming now.

Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 Skybox

yeah ill prob pull out too mate, this one has taken to long to fill and the funds are going to head elsewhere me thinks, sorry bro
Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 Skybox

Hey guys! Gonna cancel this ay! No love for Skybox!!!

So to wonga and AussieMJfreak, i will send a refund asap! (just had ebay fees get taken out, so will have to try get money back in to send refund off! DAMMIT)

Oh well! What to do!

Thanx to everyone who joined!
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