lately besides trying to sort out all of my cards and finally getting some scans up of some of them, the last week or so i have been flat out trying to upgrade my on website!
Now the question, CAN YOU HANDLE THE HEAT? is there any chilli fans in here? id love to know the hottest thing anyone in here has tried? and how did you handle it?
It is going to take me months to get all my google rankings back for my site as all my 30 redirects didnt work If any of you are able to help out by sharing a link to my site in as many places on the interweb as possible, this helps with google rankings
I already have a link to OCT on my site
For the chilli lovers here on OCT, if there is anything on my site you would like, by using the code below in the checkout it ill give you 10% discount on all items.
it is only valid until the end of this month.
oh and if i hear enough great chilli stories i might get in the giving mood and get a great freebie package together for someone.
Yeah can vouch for Karl's products and knowledge mate. Before I ran into you at Pooraka Sunday Markets wasn't a big fan of Chilli or Hot products at all, but you got me trying Chilli products left right and centre.
Even bought some chilli trees off you growing along quite nice too.
once ate a whole chilli for a dare, I don't recommend it for beginners.
I have been getting into curries lately so my tolerance is growing, I will be checking out your site
Haha sick website man. I love chilli's. I'm growing my own jalapeno's and firecrackers. The best chilli story I have is from when I was little, 5 or 6. My godfather had just moved into his new house on a farm. Dad and I went up there and checked it out. In the middle of the garden there was a single chilli plant (It had a tag. it was called "The devil chilli".) needless to say Dad was eager to try it.
What a mistake that turned out to be. The chilli was so hot it made him cry and he accidently touched his eye's and his eye's went red! I started laughing at him and he asked me if I wanted to try one. I thought why not, whats the worst that could happen? I ended up eating 4 of them before my Dad told me stop. Good times.