I am having trouble paying an overseas ebay seller (america) with my paypal account?! It is a small sum roughly 6AUS but for some reason there account doesnt accept credit or something like that, its the first time I have had this problem.... the user said something about registering the bank details with paypal... i know all very confusing :roll:
Can anyone help with making a payment or point me in the right direction...
Well here's one idea - some paypal accounts are only set up to accept funds that are in the black - ie they won't accept $$ unless it's from another paypal account which ISN'T in debt - eg if u have $20 in your account it'll acccept it but if u only have $2 in your account and use your credit card to pay the rest they won't accept the payment.
It's because they have to upgrade their account and pay a fee to receive credit payments and some of them don't wanna do it....
he doesnt have a premium account (or whatever they are called) so cant accept credit card payments, can only accept from paypal balance, he will have to upgrade to the premium service (and pay fees) to accept credit card payments...and im pretty sure its an ebay violation to only accept "paypal balance" so if he wont upgrade and accept your payment report him to ebay
You can simply add in your bank account to Paypal and all your problems will be solved. It's simple to do, especially in this world of on-line banking.