Can anyone help me back up my ps2 games?


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After getting my PS2 I now need to be able to back up my games. Can anyone help me out with a good program as everything I have tried does not sem to want to work? Cheers.
best bet is to google it and check out some gaming forums, always has heaps of burning related guides. im fairly sure you can just rip the game to hard drive and then burn the ISO image to a cd/dvd. although ps 2 is dvd so you probably have to use a dvd burner.

i just googled and found this thread straight away:
Thanks JZA I have already checked that one out and it is hard to get a decent copy of DVDDecryptor as it was stopped. Have burnt a backed up a couple successfully with nero, but others don't seem to work? Some images are also too big for a regular DVD disc?
jvalles69 said:
Thanks JZA I have already checked that one out and it is hard to get a decent copy of DVDDecryptor as it was stopped. Have burnt a backed up a couple successfully with nero, but others don't seem to work? Some images are also too big for a regular DVD disc?

hmm, are you using dual layer 4.7gb dvds to burn on to? should be big enough for most games.
are you using dual layer 4.7gb dvds to burn on to

No not dual layer ones. Normally my programs just shrink the DVD to fit, but it seems it doesn't work with PS2 games. Are dual layer discs cheap nowadays or are they still up there?
im not sure, im a bit new to the whole burning thing myself, i picked up a box of 25 tdk 4.7gb dvds for about $20 at my local cheap as chips store. dunno if they are dual layer though.
I totally think it's wrong to "copy" games :P ...I purely make backups of games...

Like I said in the title, "backing up" my ps2 games!

Yep, I'm all modded up, and i've got it working with Alcohol 120%.
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