Busting panini threads on a construction site!

We are about 5 mins away from busting. 5 of us in a room. 1 guy is excited, 2 guys just can't wait for the day to be over, 1 guy wants us to hit a nice card so we can sell it for beers and myself, I'm feel like we gonna hit a Durant auto lol will fill u guys in soon
haha well great! anyway this is todays break down. 12:00 i got a call from my boss saying.."Its Time!" i ran down to the lunch shed and all 4 guys were there. I stopped them all and said i had 3 rules to this break.. 2 of the guys werent happy, coz they werent very enthusiastic about this break.
Rule Number 2. 1 Packet will be opened at a time with no rushing!
Rule number 3. If you touch ur lunch even with a folk, you MUST go wash your hands (that one took a while for them to understand!)

after all this 2 of them baled the break (one is 18 years of age, the other 49 years of age lol they did not participate in any pack opens coz the boss said they could only watch :P)

I then reached into my shirt and pulled out a lucky charm necklace with a tiger tooth on it, a budha statue ( im not budist, i just like the culture) and a few other thailand charms which were all blessed by a monk to give protection and good fortune... i then placed the necklace around the box and when this happened, it went quite for 5 seconds, then a huge bust of laughter lol i used this necklace in previous breaks and i swear it worked before!

Anyway they all had a good laugh and fun time. this is what we busted!!

cards 1.JPG
cards 2.JPG
cvard 3.JPG

Very happy with the inserts and koby inserts, VERY nice design in my own opinion, besides the lack of numbering which means OVER produced?

The Bradley Beal was a great hit :) i enjoy watching him

So over all i asked the guys at work for a overall score of /10 of there experience in there first box break and for that matter there first ever nba packet break lol
Boss: 9/10 wants to do way more! (got the go ahead to bust as many as i want in work hours which is gonna hurt my budget)
49 year old : 1/10 because we didnt make enough money to buy beers
18 year old: 3/10 he doesnt like hobbies apparently lol
Leading hand : 8/10 and said he has never done it before and would be more than happy to help me bust some in future.

Good feed back and REALY funny, enjoy and thanks for reading
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