busting later tonight - 08/09 Fleer Hot Prospects blaster box


OCT's #1 Jeremy Lin fan
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i know these aren't really known for lots of hits, but i'd just like to finish the base set, and hopefully something nice to top the Amare Stoudemire GU i pulled from my other Hot Prospects box.
i have got a base set of this if you want it (1-90) will throw in a jason kid hot materials a #133 sean singletary rc auto aswell
lmk if your keen
and the last couple inserts:
Rip Hamilton
Sonny Weems RC
Steve Nash draft day

the hit:
Pau Gasol GU, not numbered.
not a bad hit, but you know where my loyalties lie :)
cheers mate
i know its one of the cheaper products but i kinda like the card design :)

nah, its about FLEER only for me. I hate anything fleer with added name after it. Because if I accept it I would go broke collecting too many fleer sets hahaha.
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