Trey David Robinson Collector Feedback - 100% 79 0 0 Nov 21, 2005 #1 yeah right....doesnt look like ANYTHING like a real drob auto! yeah right....doesnt look like ANYTHING like a real drob auto!
Matt26 OZCT Supporter Feedback - 100% 101 0 0 Nov 21, 2005 #2 :shock: hahaha thats a pretty poor attempt at it! Thats shocking!
Mr Kevin Garnett Garnett's #1 Fan! Feedback - 100% 39 0 0 Nov 21, 2005 #3 It's a real auto. Drob was at my B'day partly last year and he was wasted when he signed the floor board hence the bad auto. Seriously. 8)
It's a real auto. Drob was at my B'day partly last year and he was wasted when he signed the floor board hence the bad auto. Seriously. 8)
clarkescards OzCards Greatest Hero!!!! Feedback - 100% 91 0 0 Nov 23, 2005 #4 How about asking the seller for a photo of the COA??? That'll give you a more definitive answer (but I guess even they can be faked).
How about asking the seller for a photo of the COA??? That'll give you a more definitive answer (but I guess even they can be faked).
WoobieZarz OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 148 0 0 Nov 23, 2005 #5 Wonder if it's worth investing in some ply-wood from Bunnings Warehouse, and we all sign it, and put on ebay! How desperate can people get towards selling these autos....
Wonder if it's worth investing in some ply-wood from Bunnings Warehouse, and we all sign it, and put on ebay! How desperate can people get towards selling these autos....