Bucket sale!

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Hey guys!!!

Needing some extra dosh, so just check my bucket to see if theres anything u like!!!

thanx guys! will try add some pics soon!

God bless

Hey Rhys -

Just noticed your sig. You already have a mo dude!!


Well, he will have to chop it clean come November 1st then.

My nephew and I were reckoning that there are too many piddly mos coming from Movember, and that we should have a special month beforehand...called Growtober. You just pile on as much facial hair as you can, then on November 1st you craft your Movember mo from that. Would make for some far more impressive mo's at the end of Movember!
hahaha! thanx guys!!!

yeah nah ryan, I've already shaved the beard off in anticipation for next weekend!!!

So will be starting from scratch! hahaha!

and why not................. BUMP
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