GiRDS- Collecting UFC Bobbleheads Feedback - 100% 200 0 0 Aug 9, 2013 #21 I hve some now ill check what i have and pm your shortly mate
hobo Kogarah to Kiama OZCT Supporter Feedback - 100% 300 0 0 Aug 9, 2013 #22 Dragon_Fire said: You Are right i thought the #2 would be impossible to get and i would have to pay Hundreds to get one.. Ross do you know if he wore the #5 last year......I was under the impression he was,but i am often wrong about these things. Click to expand... I'm pretty sure he has always been #2 and Nightingale #5. I know in origin he has worn #5
Dragon_Fire said: You Are right i thought the #2 would be impossible to get and i would have to pay Hundreds to get one.. Ross do you know if he wore the #5 last year......I was under the impression he was,but i am often wrong about these things. Click to expand... I'm pretty sure he has always been #2 and Nightingale #5. I know in origin he has worn #5
hobo Kogarah to Kiama OZCT Supporter Feedback - 100% 300 0 0 Aug 9, 2013 #23 Not sure what he did but Sluggy seemed pretty good to me as well.
GiRDS- Collecting UFC Bobbleheads Feedback - 100% 200 0 0 Aug 9, 2013 #24 i think it was more about who he insulted... thats all im going to say before i end up joining him ahaha best of luck with the chase fellas hope one of you two ends up with jersey numbered. and ill be in touch about the IP's Shortly.
i think it was more about who he insulted... thats all im going to say before i end up joining him ahaha best of luck with the chase fellas hope one of you two ends up with jersey numbered. and ill be in touch about the IP's Shortly.
D Danny wighton OzCardTrader Feedback - 0% 0 0 0 Sep 20, 2016 #25 I just pulled a Brett Morris 2013 number 22/130 if you want pm me brother