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Lebron James and Dwyane Wade have each made a MIRACULOUS recovery and are all systems GO for Celtics vs Heat!

Heat Trainers are being praised as league best and attribute their skill to God.

David Stern agrees, and has decided not to fine the Heat for resting players a la Spurs last season citing totally different circumstances and #basketballreasons
do you smell what james and wade are cooking? lol, i think they are not winning it this year, this it will be the durrants year, or a real dark horse team that comes out of the blue, and gets hot at the right time
Pop was fined for being honest.
LA just won with KB on the bench, Pau was amazing. In fact the big three played very well.
was a good game, but what was up with the refs, 40 freethows to 12, do you thinl the nba want the lakers in the playoffs much???? lol
was a good game, but what was up with the refs, 40 freethows to 12, do you thinl the nba want the lakers in the playoffs much???? lol

22 of those were Dwight Howard!

Teams play the 'Hack a _____' game all the time which naturally messes the FT stats, but whenever it involves the Lakers, people call favoritism! lol
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