Brain wave :)


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Now this is once again purely a suggestion. As I don't think Select would be able to get enough profit from this. But imagine Cricket All Star Figurines?

How nice would that be. NRL and AFL get them, imagine having cricket ones :)

That would be so cool. But fielding a series of around 24 might be hard. As they would be random in the boxes you'd think but the online market would suffer, as who wants a Cullen Bailey Figurine vs a Ricky Ponting Figurine. Would be great if something like this was to happen but numbering would make them better :)
Oh yeh thats what i meant but a series of 13 or so usuall test players wouldnt be successful. more CA contracts would be the go :)
I think(but I don't collect figurines) that the usual / popular test team players would be more profitable than a big series because as you suggest CA would end up stuck with a lot of Cullen Bailey figurines as no one would buy them.

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