Box break: 07-08 Topps Jumbo!

Mr. Monday Night

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It was a seriously ridiculous break for 10 packs at $40! Aside from finishing out the set and garnering some extra RCs, I was able to make these incredible pulls:

2 gold border RC's #'d to 2007: Jason Smith retro variation and a Rodney Stuckey
2 copper borders #'d to 50: Charlie Villanueva & Lebron James retro variation
Adam Morrison Gen Now Jersey
Boris Diaw Auto
Bird/Magic/Dr. J Rip card #'d to 99


a Kobe Bryant yellow press plate 1 of 1.

I was seriously looking for a Brandan Wright/Oden dual auto RC or a Durant platinum border with the luck I was having in that box... but beggars can't be choosers.
Nice rip card mate, those things are still doing pretty well on ebay atm, printing plates not so go anymore but still a 1/1 and a great player. Well done. If the Kobe is avialable tho LMK.
Rip! Rip! Rip! Rip! Rip! Rip!

To rip or not to rip, that is the question....with such great pulls, maybe there is a nice auto sitting inside that rip card!
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