Bledisloe Cup thread - don't be shy AFL fans!!


Go Celtics!!
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Well u know being a kiwi I was gonna do a Bledisloe thread!!! Don't know how many of u guys watched game 1 but knowing aussie sports fans probably quite a few.

I thought 32-12 to the All Blacks was a bit harsh - the aussies weren't that bad but couldn't break our defence. The aussie scrum also got demolished from start to finish - there's gonna be some injuries there if they keep getting smashed like that - already lost one hooker last night.

The AB's looked way better than any previous test this year and the Aussies looked way worse than in any test. Was good to see George Gregan get picked up and thrown around then back slammed like a rag doll!!:D

I was a bit worried about the AB's this year after last years triumphant team who nearly won the Laureus world sports team of the year - but not worried now - our big time players (Carter , McCaw) stood up something proper!!
I heard some NZ player, flopped out his penis and took a piss on the field while playing. Im yet to see the footage but that is preety disgraceful :)

is this true lgandkg, dont watch Union much!
wouldnt be the first time Ive heard someone had a piss on the field. Seen footage of it from old rugby league footage LOL...imagine getting tackled in a pool of piss!

anyways, the wallabies as usual were hopeless. We'd get decent position and knock it on, usually leading to 80 metre runs for the all blacks.

It was a fair contest 5 or so years ago, unless Australia make some major changes, the AB's will flog us for the next 1000 years
I forgot to watch the game, and since w elost and convincingly... that was one less depressing result I needed for the day so prolly a good thing. But c'arn the wallabies!
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