Hey, heres my Blake Griffin maildays from the last month or so, got a heap of nice packages, but no National Treasure cards
First off are these jerseys/patch cards which I got for pretty cheap prices:
Star Gazing jumbo Jersey /25 and Regular Jersey /100
Elite Patch /50
Tripple Jersey /100
Now onto the autos
Dual Auto /25
Manufactured Patch Auto /449
Studio Auto /199
Court Kings Auto /649
Crown Royale Auto /399
And the last 3 cards which are my favorites from this month:
2009 Nationals /50
Contenders Auto
Absolute Jersey Auto
So that wraps it up for this and a bit of last months maildays
Im always looking for more Griffin cards so please post/pm me if you have any you're looking to sell/trade, Im also chasing the Majestic Autos set from Crown Royale so if you've got any of those contact me