Blades of Glory


On Again, Off Again..
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I watched Blades of Glory last night and oh my god it's so funny. For all the lovers of Will Ferrell you won't be disappointed. I'd rate this one just below Anchorman and just above Talladega Nights. Watching Will and Jon Heder go head to head and then team up is hilarious. It's also starring Will Arnett (hey Jon ;)) and his wife and also Pam from The US Office. Carig T Nelson is really funny as the coach as well.
5/5 easily =D>
yeh this one looks incredibly funny. Got Gob and Pam as extras too so it cant go wrong ;) So is it now in cinemas across Australia?
Where did you watch it Funk? Cant wait for this to come out. I actually have the trailer as one of my videos on myspace :rolleyes:
Im pretty keen to see it, saw a little bit of it on Leno when Will Arnett, a brillant actor from Arrested Development, and his missus, Amy Poehler from SNL, very funny chick as well. Ferrell and Arnett were pretty funny on the bit i saw, come on Blades of Glory!
I've watched it three times already, it's really funny. I've heard that Will Ferrell and Will Arnett are going to be in another movie at the end of the year revolving around the NBA :D
man ive watched this movie three times and it gets funnier every time you watch it. I personally like it better than Talladega because of the supporting cast. Man this movie delivers so many funny lines and how funny is Nick Swarsdon, Jimmy Macaroy's stalker. Absolute genius and i look foward to seeing Will Arnett and Will Ferrell working together in the basketball flick that is schedualled to be released early next year.

MUST SEE 10/10
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