BlackOps - Good One Treyarch


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This made me rage tbh. like wtf how do they screw the game up this badly, COD4 here i come.

---------- Post added 05-12-2010 at 09:12 PM ----------

btw sorry for crappy quality, was easycapped not theatre mode because it was 30 seconds long :( and i never use my easy cap
i really dont know. i was so angry when it happened, because i got no kills with it, and died while calling it in one kill of my dogs. whats your psn mate, will have to give you an add.
you do know under the map was first seen in Call of Duty 4? people found ways to hack and get under the map to cheat.
i really dont know. i was so angry when it happened, because i got no kills with it, and died while calling it in one kill of my dogs. whats your psn mate, will have to give you an add.

james34bc , been playing nazi zombies lately but will probs go back to headquarters, i LOVE headquarters :) do you have a mic?


Falling through the map has been happening since non sidescrollers began its annoying but just part of this glitchy life. Fell through the map on Assassins Creed last night was slightly amusing swimming around the world looking up at everything. Used to happen back in bf1942, bf2 and bf2142 as well.
yeah i have a mic. ill give you an add on friday wont be on till then i like zombiez aswell. yeah i used to glitch on W@W underneath the map, cod4 was just luck if the clippings failed.
I've gotta say Black Ops is a fail for me!
Seems every time i play it im playing guys with 1-2 bar on their connection and the game just seems all round jumpy compared to MW2. Im guessing they use different servers to MW2? It blows either way
well they both suck to me in comparison to cod4. but i hated mw2 so so so much

this video is funny and pretty much sums up my hatred for mw2 until the ending where he likes it because all the noobs are on blackops.

my latest vid - though this was stupidly pathetic that the legs can move through clippings after this one of the things they stated they fixed? clearly not :(

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