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The phenomenon known as Panini America Black Friday continues to gain*serious momentum in these final hours leading up to, well, Black Friday. In fact, excitement surrounding the promotion has grown so much that some of the special Panini America Black Friday cards have already found their way onto the secondary market.
On Monday we published the preliminary list of dealers participating in this special nationwide wrapper-redemption program. Today we offer the final expanded list, culled from the individual lists of dealers provided by our panel of national and regional distributors.
In addition, we’ve had many collectors*ask how they can get involved in the program if there are no*participating brick-and-mortar hobby shops in their area. Well, we’ve got you covered, too. While supplies last, collectors who*purchase selected products on iCollectPanini.com will receive the equivalent number of Black Friday packs with their order.
You can view the updated dealer list here: UpdatedBlackFridayMasterDealerList
So you have two ways to participate: Visit one of the participating hobby shops in the list below, or visit iCollectPanini.com by clicking the image below.

Actually, beginning tomorrow, you’ll have a third way to participate — a special Thanksgiving contest that starts right*here at The Knight’s Lance.*So check back tomorrow for more details.

Read more over at the Panini Blog...