UD Black...crazy product at premium prices, but reasonable enough to pick up singles, so that is what I did. First I'll throw up some nice jersey/patch cards, I'll do a bunch of others in the coming days/weeks.
First up a nice Ron Artest card, with some nice angles on the patches.
Second is an Iggy, #ed 1/25 and sporting some smooth curves (piuy the letter "I" is so narrow....)
Thirdly a sweet PC Deron, with some very nice patches.
And finally, the best of the bunch....
A super sweet Timmy D gold #ed 2/5, with easily my best TD patches, both 4 colour (which is pretty hard with the Spurs jersey, has silver stitching that may not show so well in the scans). I missed a few TD normal version patch cards, but this one couldn't get away. Thanks for looking!
A super sweet Timmy D gold #ed 2/5, with easily my best TD patches, both 4 colour (which is pretty hard with the Spurs jersey, has silver stitching that may not show so well in the scans).
I got to watch the first Suns/Spurs match live on cable, which was one of the best games I have ever seen, also saw a few others, Cavs (well, LBJ) was good, and the Celts were just supremely dominant over the Hawks, their D made the Hawks look second or third rate in game 1.
And yeah, after being spoiled with US cable for a few days of the playoffs, I'll definitely have to head around to yours to get my fill of NBA action! I'll be wearing my Jordan XXII's, but not sure if I'll have the Air or the Zm's in!