Dr. Curlytek
PhD in "Things and Stuff"
UD Black...crazy product at premium prices, but reasonable enough to pick up singles, so that is what I did. First I'll throw up some nice jersey/patch cards, I'll do a bunch of others in the coming days/weeks.
First up a nice Ron Artest card, with some nice angles on the patches.
Second is an Iggy, #ed 1/25 and sporting some smooth curves (piuy the letter "I" is so narrow....)
Thirdly a sweet PC Deron, with some very nice patches.
And finally, the best of the bunch....
A super sweet Timmy D gold #ed 2/5, with easily my best TD patches, both 4 colour (which is pretty hard with the Spurs jersey, has silver stitching that may not show so well in the scans). I missed a few TD normal version patch cards, but this one couldn't get away. Thanks for looking!
First up a nice Ron Artest card, with some nice angles on the patches.
Second is an Iggy, #ed 1/25 and sporting some smooth curves (piuy the letter "I" is so narrow....)
Thirdly a sweet PC Deron, with some very nice patches.
And finally, the best of the bunch....
A super sweet Timmy D gold #ed 2/5, with easily my best TD patches, both 4 colour (which is pretty hard with the Spurs jersey, has silver stitching that may not show so well in the scans). I missed a few TD normal version patch cards, but this one couldn't get away. Thanks for looking!