UFC Big Time UFC Mailday


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Been a long time between drinks for me, but Im back with a bit of a bang. Got a few yarns for those who are interested (probably no one :) skip to the end for the big Whale mail)

First up a glove signed by Randy Couture. Got this in person myself at the Fan expo in Vegas this year. This is the coolest thing I got at the expo. I wish I wasnt so badly hungover for the expo, I could of done a lot better if I was a bit more with it, but it is vegas after all. I Also got photos with Wanderlei Silva, Rashad Evans, Shane Carwin, The Korean Zombie, Scottie Jorgenson, Carlos Condit, Rich Franklin, Brian Ebersole, but only got there generic promo photos signed, no gloves or anything cool like that. Was awesome though. Then got to go to Silva V Sonnen 2 that night at the MGM, had awesome seats. Craziest and most electric atmosphere Ive ever experienced. Amazing time.

The coolest/friendliest fighters I met were Carlos Condit. Carlos saw my Roosters cover on my iphone and was like, "what team is that". I said Roosters a rugby league side, and he was like, "Oh yeah rugby, Ive seen a bit of that. Dont understand the rules but thats a tough game man". and he asked me a bit more about it, if i played and what not. cool guy. And Shane Carwin, We were about 6 people away from Shane Carwin and an organizer tried to cut him off and end the session, she kept saying thats it no more no more, he has gotta go. Shane carwin was having none of it, he was like, "Nah its all good Ill get the rest of these guys, theyve been lining up patiently".

But anyway onto the mail. As some may know I was a Shogun super collector. Had 70 + different cards of him. In order to help fund my trip to the USA I sold most of them, I was down to 4 cards of him. Im now starting the collection going again and im back up to around 40.
Got these 3 Rubies. Really love the jumbo mat ruby as its from his fight with Hendo. Craziest fight Ive ever seen. Great to own a piece from the event. Also Main Event base ruby and Finest Moments insert ruby. All serial numbered to /8.


Really pleased to get this card back again. Shoguns first ever auto card. Purple parallel. Serial number 1/10. Awesome card. Goes well with the gold version 5/5. I just need the base red version to round out the rainbow.

And now for the HOLY GRAIL

I present, from Knockout 2010. Champions SICK SIGS 6x Auto Book card. Featuring all the current champions at that time. Most Importantly Shogun. But also there is a few other okay fighters on the card ;) Frankie Edgar, George St Pierre, Anderson Silva, Brock Lesnar and Dana White. Limited to only 5. No parallels - thats it. 5 only. By far and away the best card (and most expensive) Ive ever set my hands on.



ummmmm WOW! I'd love a sick sigs. I hate to think what you paid for it. Congrats, that is the holy grail of UFC Knockout!=D>
Great pickups mate, you were right about the mailday being epic!

The UFC Expo must have been awesome, hopefully will attend one in my lifetime. Super Couture glove as well :)
Awesome booklet, not a fan of White putting his auto on it though. Guess it evens it up.
Yeah I dont mind it - it kind of ties in with the speel on the back of the card about him presenting the belt. And suprisingly enough the most expensive MMA card sold to date is Danas Round 1 base card 1/1 parallel. Thats got nothing to do with this card but im still scratching my head at that one lol. I spose it may change if the A silva or GSP 1/1 round 1s ever appear.

ummmmm WOW! I'd love a sick sigs. I hate to think what you paid for it. Congrats, that is the holy grail of UFC Knockout!=D>
Yeah you dont want to know lol.

Great pickups mate, you were right about the mailday being epic!

The UFC Expo must have been awesome, hopefully will attend one in my lifetime. Super Couture glove as well :)
Yeah Its a must attend at least once in a lifetime for the UFC fan. I definately plan on going back and going to see another live card in Vegas. That was just beyond epic.

Thanks guys.
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