BGS grading options


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I know this has been discussed fairly widely in the past, but i just want to get peoples opinions and touch base on the current of grading services (especially ways about submitting cards from an Australian context)

I have a few raw cards which i am considering sending in for grading. These are mainly to increase the resell value. I also have a few cards in existing graded cases, but they're from SLC/ISA/BGGC all these lesser known companies and i thought while i am sending in some other items it might be cost effective to get them regraded/re-slabbed as well.

At the moment i am considering using COMCs service

This would involve just sending my cards into them (ie addressing to my inbox) and getting them processed via the grading route, which seems quite convenient.

Has anyone else used this service? Or know of a better alternative?

Secondly, just with grading itself, i imagine you'd need to "crack open" items which are already slabbed with a different company?

Or can they be submitted to BGS as they are? If that was possible i guess there is a problem that the grade on the case would influence how they might grade the card (if you hoped it could be "bumped up")

Finally i may be travelling to the US in June. Is it any easier or possible to get it done in person?
I guess that probably involves travelling to Houston itself, like this guy!

Any opinons on the COMC grading service?
Do you (or should you) crack open a graded case before submitting it to BGS?
Is submitting any easier if you are (temporarily) in the US?
I've used the COMC method. However they grade bi monthly so if you narrowly miss it you'll be waiting a while
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