Best Way to Sell my AFL Cards

Telfs Card Park

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Been about 3 years since I collected AFL and wanted to part with the remainder of my collection but was wondering where the best place is to sell? I notice Aussie Ebay charges $1.50 a listing which is steep and Gimko never seems to attract much interest at least as I see it. Would it be best just to list them on this forum or elsewhere?
Been thinking of selling some of my collection too, ebay is a ripoff double whammy fees final value plus PayPal.
I'd say take your time offer on this site and the other forum as well first. Ebay is a last resort. Try to sell on Ebay 10% more to cover your costs.
The market isn't the same as a few year's ago.
Be interested in other options as well as my
priorities have changed with building a house.
Good luck.
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