Ben Gordon RC auto

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#1 Bass Collector
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I have a Ben Gordon Flair SIGnificant Signings Rc auto /200 up for trade if anyone is interested, LMK.
Any cards I post, are on my trade page listed in my sig, so if you want a scan go there. I actually traded the Gordon today already.....but thanks anyways.
Not really looking to sell it. Would trade it, but it would have to be something I really wanted or needed. I like the Photoshoots, I got 2 now. If you got something in that vacinity, or Grangers/Boguts, we might be able to work something out
im keen as hell, for this card.

cant help you with bogut and warrick tho.
ya bass auto is nice, and the gomes would look even better in my collection :) give me a figure please.
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