Hello all,
As you might know i sell basketball boxes and packs online, however i also sell NBA dvds. Not only do i sell to locals, but i also sell to everywhere Australia Post ships around the world. Now recently, i sold a 1984 NCAA GEORGETOWN VS HOUSTON CHAMPIONSHIP DVD to a guy in France 30 days ago and he used paypal to pay. He has sent me 2 emails in the past week stating that he has not received the dvd. I indicated that i had sent it off to him via air mail a few days after he paid. So he should have received the dvd by now. I checked the address in ebay he has stated against the address i sent it to and they are the same. Except it says in the ebay portion of his address that 'The buyer has changed or deleted this address from the system. Please contact the buyer for the correct postal address.' So today i get a dispute through ebay: item not received. I know how did is going to play out, since i sent it through air mail and have no tracking i can't prove i sent it and paypal will automatically award this guy from France all paypal proceeds from this dvd which i think is wrong. He didn't pay for insurance. However i believe even if he did pay for insurance and he still put a claim in then he would win as paypal is an absolute disgrace at times against sellers. I think its good when collectors like us pay through paypal and can claim back our funds relatively easy if we don't receive the item or if the item is damaged (I have done it a few times and its great), however there is little scope for sellers to defend themselves against such claims. Thats one of the reasons why i HATE using paypal as a seller. Check out why i think paypal sucks for a seller:
Additional fees that go into ebay's pocket
The heavily biased mechanism to buyers who can claim back funds with impunity
Now for purchasers that i know and can trust like ozcards members, people i have dealt with on a regular basis, etc, utilising paypal as a form of accepting payment is not so much of an issue. But when instances like this occur, they make you think, why the hell would you want to accept funds with paypal if you A: get slugged with additional fees, and B: have to constantly look over your shoulder to see if the buyer is going to either not receive the item genuinely or rip you off and do a chargeback which they will 100% win all the time. Just my 2 cents.
When you posted it did you go into the P.O. so they could weigh it etc?? If so you should have received a receipt that states the date of post and also the destination (such as France and a post/zip code). This may help.
As a seller I have only had one case against me...the buyer claimed they didn't receive the item. I ticked the box saying I had posted it and gave a date. After the investigation Paypal found in the buyers favour (surprise!!) but to my surprise they didn't remove the funds from my account but used one of my "5 claims per year" which up to a certain amount Paypal cover.
This was a couple of years ago so I'm not sure if this has changed.
Well I had the reverse found against me by Paypal. I had paid for cards to be sent via Registered Global Priority from the US ($18), only for the seller to send the card surface mail.
Anyway, Paypal found against me and closed the dispute.
Anyway, I would insist on all sales going via Registered Mail, for a seller's protection, especially overseas, and that way if you don't get the return receipt back from A.Post, then you can claim against A.Post.