Panini Blog Before the Autographs: A Revealing Preview of 2014-15 National Treasures Basketball

Panini Blog

Panini Blog
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Since basketball fans and collectors are locked in some sort of cruel waiting game right about now (what with Game 4 of the NBA Western Conference Finals still hours away and the release of Panini America’s 2014-15 Spectra Basketball not arriving until Wednesday), we thought we’d give them something constructive to help pass the time. Today, we offer a revealing pre-ink peek at 2014-15 National Treasures Basketball, easily one of the most anticipated releases of the season.

In the last week or so, Panini America HQ has been on the receiving end of some monumental shipments from the company’s production facility across town — including the hot-off-the-presses cornerstones coming to 2014-15 National Treasures Basketball. But before they could be counted, cataloged, QC’d and readied for expedited shipment to the NBA stars on them for autographs, we grabbed a few must-see pics.

As you’ll soon see, this year’s National Treasures lineup is just as sick and super-premium as those that have come before. Enjoy this extended first look and stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance in the coming weeks to see how these beauties look after they’re signed.


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