pack 33
rookie tyrus thomas
platinum influence vince young titans quarterback
pack 34
86/87 mike bibby
rookie maurice ager
rookie sensations rodney carney
pack 35
rookie bobby jones
team leaders kobe bryant
has to be a big finish
pack 36
rookie thabo sefolosha
platinum influence mario williams texans defensive end
and the final mojo
an 86/87 fleer insert of
darryl dawkins card number 24 of 132
thanks to those that stuck it i said it has been fun to break this box with my son as it was our first box break together and i am sure we will do more breaks together.i will put scans of he cards up tomorrow night.
thanks tony and zac
the little bugger can afford to buy his own boxes.he does a paper round which he starts at 4.30am six days a week and he delivers pamphlets 3 afternoons a week so he can buy it for me.and in an earlier post i meant to say jodie said i can have your cards if something happens to be careful shane the birdman is watching you :smt072 :smt071 :smt070 :smt027 :smt079 :smt068 :smt067 :smt066 :smt021 :smt073 :axe: sorry jodie i swear it was an accident