Basketball Box Christmas Wishlist


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OK, I have to make a wishlist for what I want for christmas. Any suggestions on what boxes to put on the list. I am looking for cheaper boxes, not like 150US. I also want a box that has a good chance of pulling decent cards like an MJ/kobe/shaq/bird/magic auto :D :D :D and not a box that is full of crap
Haha I don't think there are any cheap boxes with high chances of pulling those autos. :D Why not just bust those SPGUs you're selling?

Or you can try SP Sig Tins. Theyre affordable and you get one auto per tin but only 3 cards.. those are the cheapest with chances of getting a superstar auto per tin. Or SP Authentic/SPx 04-05.
I'm trying to sell the box to get money for my siblings wishlist. I make a wishlist for me to and they buy from it. I have to do the same for them
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